Want customers to call you, walk through your doors, or make a purchase?
It starts with your website.
I am the designer and developer for the following projects:
Kuhn Cinema 2014
Route of the Whale - Multimedia Journalism Showcase 2013
Won the 2013 Mark of Excellence National Winner of the Online In-Depth Reporting category
I was extremely fortunate when a group of fellow journalism students approached me about an interactive way to showcase their multimedia journalism that took place during a summer trip to Uruguay. The team went to many places on their trip to fully cover the route of Southern Atlantic right whales. We needed an easy way for viewers to follow the path the team traveled and below is our collaborative solution.
Fold + Go - Simple Product Marketing Site 2014
As part of my internship at TipBar Inc (DBA Gibson Holders/Sew Steady), I was tasked with providing a brand image and website for a new product, Fold + Go Tablet Stand. The site was hand-coded in one day and is responsive for smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
Website Redesigns:
As part of my web design course, I worked on redesigns for local businesses. Below are two home pages that I designed.
Sixth Street Bar & Grill
sixthstreetgrill.com - They have since had a beautiful redesign.